Programme for Active Learning (PAL)
Programme for Active Learning (PAL) continues at P2 to nurture the whole child and broaden his or her primary school foundation and experience. PAL is carried out during curriculum time and it consists of two broad areas in 4 modules:
1. Sports and Games and Outdoor Education
2. Performing Arts and Visual Arts
In JSPS, PAL is conducted over 3 periods a week during scheduled PAL periods for Lower School students. At P2, activities for PAL are differentiated in terms of the skills learnt from the lessons. In other words, learning for PAL is progressive from P1 to P2 in terms of social emotional learning.
Executive Functioning and Mindfulness Practice @ P2
Lower School hopes that students will be nurtured through making use of self-directed strategies to think and act in accordance to values, thoughts, emotions and behaviour. At P2, students not only are aware of their character strengths, they must be able to tap on their character strengths to enhance their relationships with their family and friends. Students practise compassion and responsibility in their day-to-day activities. Through mindfulness practices and executive functioning activities, students’ social intelligence and self-regulation is learned and developed. From FTGP sessions to PAL, students recognise their own strengths and are equipped with the abilities and capacities to influence their peers positively.
Learning Journeys (LJs)
One of the best ways to broaden our students’ minds is through exposing them to the world outside the confines of the classrooms. Students learn not only through the classroom but also through experiential learning when they are out of the classrooms together. LJs give them the chance to break out of their academic routine. Learning can take place anywhere and everywhere.
There are a series of LJs planned for the P2s across various academic subjects and more information will be provided nearer to the dates of the respective LJs.
More information will be made available to parents nearer to date of LJ.