Mother Tounge
Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue Language (MTL) learning at Jing Shan Primary aims to help students experience the joy of learning and become confident users of their Mother Tongue. This is in line with the School Vision of ‘Thriving Explorers, Mindful Leaders’ which aims to inspire students to navigate the education landscape and chart their own learning pathways with sensibility and empathy. This is achieved through three curricular goals:
· developing students’ language competency by equipping them with foundational language knowledge, skills and strategies to ensure effective communication;
· appreciating culture and values by equipping them with essential moral values and the ability to appreciate their own MTLs, culture and traditions;
· developing 21st Century Competencies such as civic, global and cross-cultural literacy, as well as critical, adaptive and inventive thinking; and
· equipping students with the foundational social-emotional competencies. learning tasks engaging. Overall, enhancing students’ skills, knowledge, culture awareness and appreciation for the language.
MT Learning @ Jing Shan

Differentiated Learning
Differentiated learning is implemented to cater to the different learning profiles. Within the curriculum, there is customized learning for those who are more conversant and skilled while bridging support lessons for those who may have limited exposure to the language. The department uses a range of teaching and learning resources to cater to different profiles and ages. Teachers are trained to adopt and adapt teaching strategies to suit the range of learning profiles.
Leveraging Educational Technology
The department actively taps on the affordances of technology to enhance student engagement in their lessons. Teachers use features from the Student Learning Space (SLS) to customized and personalized learning resources for the students. Teachers also use technology to increase motivation by providing meaningful learning tasks, encouraging students to take ownership of their learning. Some of the learning tasks include audio and video recording of oral responses according to a topic and writing activities which require students to work collaboratively online.
Mother Tongue Language Signature Programmes
MT Read
The MT Reading Programme aims to instill in students a love for reading and encourage them to share the joy with their peers. Through the programme, students develop 21st Century Competencies, particularly critical and creative thinking dispositions and skills through guided activities. The tasks in this programme are carefully curated to sustain students’ reading interest. The programme allows students to share their insights, diversify their perspectives and thinking and facilitate collaborative learning.
Under the MTL Spark interest, Open minds, Appreciate cultural roots and Rise as bilingual readers (SOAR) initiative, starting with Primary 1 and 2, 30 minutes of MTL lesson per week will be dedicated to reading and reading-related activities using the supplementary readers.
JSPS Creative Writers
The MT Department is dedicated to nurturing young communicators who can express themselves confidently and creatively, both in speaking and writing. The JSPS Creative Writers eBooks showcase the creative works of JingShanites in the three Mother Tongue Languages. These eBooks highlight the development of creative and inventive thinking among JingShanites, reflecting their growth as budding confident communicators. Featuring an integrated audio playback function, the platform allows readers to not only view the pages but also listen to narrated stories, enhancing the reading experience. Explore our JingShanites’ works here.
Mother Tongue Fortnight
Scheduled in Term 3, this annual 2-week programme is conducted during and after curriculum hours. The programme includes novel and exciting language activities like games and quizzes, cultural immersions, language exchange and learning journeys. As students immerse themselves in fun and meaningful learning, they develop cross-cultural literacy and apply the skills they have learnt in class while simultaneously appreciating the beauty of the language.
Strength Spotlight Programme
The department recognizes the uniqueness of each student and offers opportunities for them to stretch their potential. Showcase platforms and programmes further expose students to the Mother Tongue languages. Examples include competitions, talent shows and ambassador programmes, all of which recognise students’ strength and offer them opportunities to shine.